Functional Fitness in Corporate Settings
With the surge in functional fitness training over the past 5-8 years, many corporations are finding it more financially feasible to be able to offer fitness to it's employees through the use of fitness equipment that is more functional versus the standard one piece of equipment per body part. There are a number of options available, including the use of bands, bosu's, resistance balls, body bars, dumbbells, kettle bells, medicine balls, TRX straps, battling ropes, boxing bags, and the larger multi-station functional equipment pieces. Many of these pieces of equipment can save space as well as dollars in planning an on-site corporate fitness center. When coupled with the right staff, such as LSE Health and Wellness fitness trainers, who all have a minimum of a bachelor's degree in a health and fitness related field and certifications from nationally recognized organizations, the options are limitless.
Health Care Dollars at Corporate Levels Continue to Rise Due to Lifestyle Behaviors- Corporations Need Corporate Wellness
A recent article was published last week in several newspapers across the country discussing the need for more corporate wellness programs. It's estimated that 50-75% of all dollars spent on health plan costs are due to lifestyle or behaviorally driven conditions, such as obesity, hypertension, stress and smoking. The ROI on wellness programs administered by experts in the field, such as LSE, is now estimated at $5.81 for every dollar spent.
Heart Rate Monitors
I had a friend ask me this weekend about heart rate monitors. She just started using one and mentioned that it beeps at what the monitor considers her top number in her heart rate range but feels like she isn't exercising at her peak at that point. I told her that she was probably more fit than what the heart rate monitor's range was for women her age. This is good information for those of us who use one to remember that we enter our data such as sex, age, height, weight and the monitor will calulate what our training zones are based on this and where the average participant would be. Often times, however, a person who has been working out for years and is very fit will be able to comfortably go beyond that top number and be able to benefit from doing so. Remember that the monitor is just another tool and the best tool is our own perceived exertion. We may have to adjust those ranges based on our fitness level.
High Intensity Interval Training
High Intensity Interval Training continues to be the rage in the fitness arena. The concept, which is well supported by research, is that during your workout your body naturally has intervals of peaks and valleys, since it cannot sustain high intensity for long durations. Longer duration workouts require endurance, which is often done at lower intensity to be able to sustain the duration.
Welcome to LSE Health and Wellness
The economic concerns for employer based healthcare:
- 20% of the most unhealthy individuals account for 80% of healthcare costs.
- Most of this cost is directly attributable to behaviors that can be modified or managed.
- Employer healthcare cost increases annually 8% to 12% a year----three to four times the rate of inflation.
- The United States spent $2.1 trillion in healthcare in 2006---$7,092 for every man, woman and child.
- Employers pay more than one-third of these costs.
- Three chronic conditions, asthma, diabetes and hypertension, are associated with 164 million lost work days per year at a cost to the employers of $30 billion.
Bottom line: If employees get healthier the company becomes more profitable and productive.