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LSE Health and Wellness's blog
LSE Celebrates 10 Years in Business
LSE Health & Wellness recently celebrated 10 years as a corporate wellness leader in Richmond, VA alongside employees at The Tides Inn Wellness Resort.
The company honored their employees during a weekend getaway and highlighted the employees that have been with LSE since the beginning, over ten years ago.
Everyone came together for a special dinner over the weekend.
Lisa Klein, co-owner, delivered a talk at the dinner talking about some of what sets LSE apart in the industry.
One main focus is with staffing, LSE focuses on hiring top experts in the field to offer their genius.
The result; a company of experts leading the field in corporate wellness-- that feels more like a close knit family of people who love what they do in the world.
The Best Kept Productivity & Performance Secret
What is the best kept productivity and performance secret that almost nobody is talking about?
Think about it, more often we are busier, working more hours and as our "to-do" lists get longer, we have to cut that time from somewhere, right?
Unfortunately, the first place we steal time is from our sleep.
Even though during our sleep window, our busy brain cleans up, files away memories, produces HGH (responsible for tissue repair & eslasticity), and balances hormones.
As a result of decreased sleep, productivity, communication, creativity, comprehension and memory suffers.
Hormonal imbalances such as increased cortisol and grehlin is directly linked to increased hunger and fat storage.
What Is The Best Exercise?
What Is The Best Exercise?
Whether you are new to working out or you're a seasoned gym-goer, you might be wondering if you are doing the right exercise?
If you are not exercising at all, the best exercise for you is going to be the exercise you will actually be able to do consistently.
Which means you have some research to do! Try anything that seems like you could get used to doing regularly without too much of a fight.
Consistency is key no matter what your goal is for health and wellness.
You may have also heard-- The best exercise is the exercise you aren't doing!
This is only partly true.
The answer actually depends more on YOU.
While it is normal for regular exercisers to get into a rut with the same workouts on repeat and need to change.
Be Cool This Summer With These Workout Ideas
In case you haven't noticed, Summer is upon us!
When the Summer hits-- It's easy to run for cover aka. the indoors where the air conditioning is pumping.
However, if you are used to working out in nature, you might get bored after a couple of weeks or sooner.
No fear, we're here to rescue you from the dreaded treadmill and the flourecent lights, with these three Summer-proof workout ideas.
Beat the heat with these workouts:
Rainy day workout.
As long as it isn't thundering and lightening, a rainy day might be the best time to get your Summer workout on outside. Running, biking or a body weight strength workout is very doable on a rainy day without the risk of over heating.
Think of it as a sprinkler system via mother nature.
3 Strategies for Overcoming Gym Anxiety
3 Strategies for Overcoming Gym Anxiety
Have you ever had fear of going to the gym?
It sounds like this:
"I feel uncomfortable lifting weights when it's so many people watching."
"I'm not fit enough to work out with them."
"I'm not coordinated enough to try a class."
However it comes out, gym anxiety IS a thing even for seasoned gym goers AND you're not alone.
Many people avoid the gym altogether because they are worried about judgement in the gym.
Put yourself at ease, this is a normal concern, especially in a new facility.
Here are a few ways to start feeling more comfy and at home in your gym or fitness center.
1. Take advantage of a gym tour or ask for free session with a trainer.
How To Tap Into Happiness As A Competitve Advantage
How To Tap Into Happiness As a Competiive Advantage
You may already know by now that happiness actually boosts productivity AND success.
If you don't know, now you know!
Many people believe it's the other way around-- they think that happiness is a product of success and productivity.
The good news is that happiness is 90% internal, therefore we can increase our happiness by training our brain for positivity.
While others slave away, endlessly chasing external happiness, we get to CHOOSE one of the most powerful success tools by training our brains properly.
In The Happiness Advantage, author Shawn Achor shares that 75% of job successes are predicted by your optimism levels, your social support and your ability to see stress as a challenge instead of a threat.
Is It Possible To Boost Brain Power With Exercise?
Can You REALLY boost your brain power with exercise?
Great question.
The answer is YES, of course otherwise this would be a rather short blog post.
The benefits of exercise are seemingly ENDLESS and significantly improving brain functioning is one of them.
In a study done at the University of British Columbia, researchers found that regular aerobic exercise (running, cycling, dancing, etc), that gets your heart and lungs pumping, appears to increase the size of the hippocamps (the hippocampus is the area of the brain involved in verbal memory and learning).
Strengthening, stretching, toning and resistance training didn't yield the same cognitive benefits.
3 Simple Steps to Balance Your Work & Life
No matter the season-- Spring, Summer, Holidays or even back to school...
Work/life balance is still a top request from many of our members just like you.
You're not alone AND there is hope!
Feeling overwhelm is a sign that it's time to make some changes not only for your optimal health and wellness but also for your productivity at work.
When others depend on you at home or work, you must take care of yourself, so you can also be there for them FULLY.
On a plane, this is why we are instructed to put on our oxygen mask FIRST because only then can we truly help others... without passing out!
We know it's not easy to juggle a full work schedule, family, hobbies (what is that?) AND your health--
However, it can be done.
5 Key Things to Remember for Race Day
You've prepared for the big day for months and now... it's finally here!
On the couple days before the big race, you may be wondering; Should I carbo-load? What should I eat before the race? Do I need to drink more?
There's excitment in the air and you just want to make sure you don't forget anything important-- we got you covered.
Here are the top 5 things you simply don't want to forget for race day:
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
Do increase your water in the day or two before the race-- most people don't drink enough water. Sip your water consistently over the course of the day and try not to guzzle it. You want to make sure you can absorb your water in-take properly.
Eat complex carbohydrates the day before.
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